For Immediate Release Contact: MDOT SHA Office of Communications – (410) 545-0303 MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION MD 404 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WINS AMERICA’S TRANSPORTATION AWARD MD 404 Recognized in Enhancing Quality of Life/ Community Development Category for Delivering Congestion Relief, Enhanced Safety and Operations (July 11, 2018) – The Maryland Department of […]
“Respect your hourly workers.” Ross Myers said he learned this valuable lesson from his late grandfather, Allan A. Myers. “They are really the heart and soul of the organization. They do the work,” Ross Myers says. “And the number one way we respect our workers is to send them home safe to their families.” The […]
Cintra’s Transform 66 Outside the Beltway project, located in Northern Virginia, has been awarded by IJGlobal America and Infrastructure Investor for excellence achieved in project and infrastructure finance. IJGlobal, whose annual awards are some of the most prestigious in the industry, based their judging on market feedback and reporting performed by IJGlobal over the course of the year. Allan Myers would like to congratulate Cintra on winning this […]
If you live in Southeastern PA, please take time to read about an invasive species quarantine. The spotted lanternfly is an invasive species native to Asia that has invaded Southeast Pennsylvania. Although the spotted lanternfly will not bite humans, it is dangerous to forests, ornamental trees, and produce such as grapes. In an effort to […]
Variety the Children’s Charity in Worcester, PA has a new program that aims to help identify career development pathways for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Part of the program is to take individuals into the community, with one on one Variety staff supervision, to complete helpful work tasks at Community Partner Businesses. This opportunity will allow […]
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